android vs iphone

   there are two types of people some are for apple and some prefer
androids which one are you[Music] the eternal argument which phone is
better android definitely there's a lot of options at different prices or maybe it's apple
after all but the price is always so high let the buyer choose hello i have a great offer for you no you'll find everything you need in me don't listen to her there's nothing
better than our products nothing try it you'll never go back wait my head's gonna explode let's just go one at a time oh the torment of choice iphone or android android or iphone
i droid or ugh so much anxiety and all over a phone i guess i'll just stick to the old one
hello yes i'll be right there android is better than ios how is it better well there you have it
the client left empty-handed again this is all your fault you always say that good afternoon we have an amazing deal for you android at your service no don't listen to him
      iphones are the best choice a great party turn it up dj we are gonna party all night long
but there's something wrong with ios the battery is dying hey wake up it's time to turn back on looks like ios has an idea all she needs is a portable charger and she's back hey guys how's the party android how do you have so much energy but now we are almost equal
oh no what now i'm so sleepy
      i'll just rest my eyes for a sec hey what's wrong with ios oh she just gets
tired easily we'll have to have fun without her let's take a look at the app store wow
there is so much to choose from good afternoon here's an exclusive offer just for you
only the hottest apps hmm and here's another cool newcomer
     you'll love it i've dreamed of this wow can i have one too no girl this is clearly not for you please step back you are in the way wow great service good thing there's another app
just for android come here i'll show you something whoa a bunch of free apps download anything you want like this a great antivirus and so many more to choose from i think i'll download this one and this one this one too excellent choices do they really work yes of course what are we talking about maybe you have something let's do it another time see you later
     viruses something seems to have gone wrong it's okay everyone messes up sometimes ios look at all my cool new apps this is awesome and free ew wait you look like you're infected androids get away stay away from me oh no what's wrong with me who doesn't love shopping time to buy something new hmm what do we have here cool shoes love these dresses great collection hmm oh this is ios she has great taste and she knows the trends
better than anyone i wonder what she'll choose let's follow her make sure she doesn't notice oh no it's that weird guy again not now it's not safe to be near him wait you'll come back to me android is creeping closer hmm not bad not bad
     she chose such a cute sundress which means i need it too well now you can't even
tell the difference from an iphone just change it up a little bit they could be twins
perfect time to pick up some accessories oh that's a familiar interface did you get it from me
we've talked about this you're always copying me it doesn't look like yours at all look i
have a belt it's
    unbuttoned it's a completely different look i don't copy you at all what an amazing backdrop it will really complete a selfie could you take a picture of me with your
phone sure no problem [Music] did you get it show me wow it looks incredible
the lighting the exposure everything is just right okay your turn yes make sure to strike a
dynamic pose
    okay not bad give me some more looks oh it's a little dark we need some light
there you go oh don't shine it in my eyes it's too bright uh-oh something isn't right
we need more light how long is this going to take okay i've maxed out the settings i think
it's done
     what do you think what is that even me you can't see my face at all look how my
camera works spot five differences yeah okay something definitely went
wrong it's time for a refreshment android is making milk porridge be sure that the milk doesn't boil over ios has an apple-based diet of course everything as usual oh i'm going to make such a delicious porridge so good oops looks like somebody froze ios maintains its reputation each fruit is bitten delicious what does it smell like can you smell that what is it
oh your milk we need to get it off the heat there you go android what's wrong with you did you space out again
     it happens every time you seriously need a reboot what what's wrong uh where's the milk
i don't understand i guess i'll just fry some eggs android look what i have wow he's so
beautiful the new iphone 8. what a masterpiece oh i think there's a new one onto the
shelf with the other android check it out i have an iphone 10. it's so cool oh don't worry
your old smartphone isn't so bad well yeah if you drop it it still works looks like apple has a new gadget again have a nice day too time for this relic to go into the trash can come on
work oh hello me again what iphone 11 seriously they come out constantly oh i think there's another one got a dash and i'm still sitting here with the same phone that's okay you and i still have some unfinished business come on i need to get something out of my locker there's nothing extra in the ios locker everything is sleek stylish and ready for business but it's really time for android to straighten up why do you need all this junk
     all these wires different chargers wireless headphones ever heard of them these are all
necessities are you joking all i need is a box it takes up no space what am i getting
passed over again a wonderful evening with great company enjoy your meal gentlemen
you're so kind delicious flavor but your dish looks a little dubious hmm and we like it here come the drinks let's try them now no this is all for what a us scent didn't we have such a
fine dinner no doubt about it why does ios get the best of the best the auction is starting place your bids everyone [Music]
     who wants to buy this wonderful ios oh so many bitters [Music] i'm ready to give you everything for it anything any price for the latest model i like the way you think ios is yours
have a great day time for android anyone want to make a bid oh no well here we go maybe you uh i don't have much money whatever it's fine gee thanks did you like our story about the clash of these two titans what did you choose an iphone or an android let us know in
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