
                                          samsung vs xiaomi     So we're just over a month into 2021 and yet already a couple of massive heffier style flagship smartphones have launched globally and i've got them right here in my sweaty little mitts i'm talking about the galaxy s21 from samsung and xiaomi's me 11. now that galaxy s21 marks a change in strategy for samsung with stripped-down specs accompanying a reduced asking price at least compared with previous galaxy s series handsets but this we blighter still costs from 769 quid so it in exactly wallet friendly meanwhile xiaomi's me 11 flagship boasts super premium specs and features and yet it still manages to keep the price down to reasonably
                                      android vs iphone    there are two types of people some are for apple and some prefer androids which one are you[Music] the eternal argument which phone is better android definitely there's a lot of options at different prices or maybe it's apple after all but the price is always so high let the buyer choose hello i have a great offer for you no you'll find everything you need in me don't listen to her there's nothing better than our products nothing try it you'll never go back wait my head's gonna explode let's just go one at a time oh the torment of choice iphone or android android or iphone